How far have financial service providers and insurers got with this?

June 3, 2019

Insurance has been around for some three millennia and is intended to cover the financial consequences of a risk that a policyholder is unable or unwilling to accept. Insurance is usually not ‘top of mind’, but it is important. Particularly at the point when a claim is made. And at that point, a policyholder or insured person expects a rapid and good resolution. We now live in a world in which new technologies are making their entrance in rapid succession, particularly in relation to digital transformation. Everything needs to be done faster and better but how far have financial service providers and insurers got with this so far? Onguard carried out research into how finance professionals working in the insurance industry and financial services view the current trends and developments.


Asuransi Astra

2018 is one of the most important years in Asuransi Astra 62 years of existence. Major transformation was carried out to better strengthen the company's position in the industry and to remain staying ahead. Through improvements in quality and service technology that keeps getting easier, revitalization of working culture and the mindset to serve at all times, Asuransi Astra tries to provide the finest for its customer. The commitment encourages us to work in harmony, simultaneous, continuous, and focus to support Asuransi Astra's growth to become the most admired general insurance in Indonesia with Gross Written Premium of IDR 4.4 Trillion and Total Assets of IDR 12.6 Trillion in 2017.

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Why use an insurance broker

Infographic | February 12, 2020

With the introduction of price comparison sites, business owners can find insurance quotes within minutes by answering a few simple questions. For someone who doesn’t have a lot of time or is looking for a cheap quote, these sites work well, but do they meet your insurance needs? Take a look at the infographic below to see why using an insurance broker could help secure the best deal for your business insurance.

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Interesting cyberattacks of 2019 that all reinsures Should Know About

Infographic | January 23, 2020

With the number of cyber-attacks on the rise, it’s natural to think that this increase of cyber-attacks is due to new actors and technological developments, said Yakir Golan, the CEO of Kovrr, the Tel Aviv-based provider of predictive cyber risk modeling solutions. “The truth of the matter is, cyber attacks are very often a modified version of an old attack. Whether it’s the same attack vector, same tools or the same vulnerability with a new exploitation, similar types of attacks, methods and techniques are likely to reappear in the near future and re/insurers should be prepared and on the lookout for how they can affect their portfolios,” added Golan.

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Infographic | January 8, 2020

The technology risks and manifestations are potentially interconnected, e.g. a breach could be caused by a staff error which leads to extortion which rejected leads to interruption.

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Infographic | March 5, 2020

Hospital care is the largest contributor to commercial health insurance spending growth - 42% of the increase since 2016. The growth in spending due to hospitals is more than twice that of the growth due to physician services and administrative costs, and ten times that of prescription drugs and nursing care. Efforts to control spending should consider how drivers of spending growth are linked to better patient care and chronic disease management.

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Accredited Advisor in Insurance(AAI)- The Next Step for Insurance Producers

Infographic | February 23, 2020

Have you ever found yourself positioned against too many competing agents who have similar qualifications to yours? Have you ever been in a situation where your leads are looking for an AAI designated insurance producer? It comes as no surprise that the insurance market is a competitive one and is evolving substantially. As an insurance agent, you might have overcome many obstacles to be where you are right now. So how can you develop more as an agent? What can you do to provide your clients with more appropriate services? How can you differentiate yourself from your competitors?

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Why Does My Insurance Go Up?

Infographic | February 4, 2020

Do you know the difference between a Hard Insurance Market vs a Soft Insurance Market and the impact it has on your insurance rates? Check out the info-graphic below explaining the difference between the two. Soft insurance markets tend to lead to good conditions for buying insurance, while hard markets tend to lead to the opposite or bad conditions for buying insurance, IE higher costs. What market are we currently in you ask? In short, we are currently in a soft insurance market that is beginning to harden.

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Asuransi Astra

2018 is one of the most important years in Asuransi Astra 62 years of existence. Major transformation was carried out to better strengthen the company's position in the industry and to remain staying ahead. Through improvements in quality and service technology that keeps getting easier, revitalization of working culture and the mindset to serve at all times, Asuransi Astra tries to provide the finest for its customer. The commitment encourages us to work in harmony, simultaneous, continuous, and focus to support Asuransi Astra's growth to become the most admired general insurance in Indonesia with Gross Written Premium of IDR 4.4 Trillion and Total Assets of IDR 12.6 Trillion in 2017.
