May 19, 2019

Pacific Prime, a global employee benefits and insurance brokerage, today announced the launch of their new report on the International Private Medical Insurance (IPMI) landscape. As the industry's first-ever report that provides a macro snapshot of global trends, changes, and challenges facing individuals and businesses, the State of Health Insurance Report 2018-2019 seeks to simplify insurance for buyers so they can make more informed purchasing decisions.


USG Insurance Services, Inc

USG Insurance Services, Inc. is a national insurance wholesaler and MGA. We specialize in providing innovative solutions for hard to place commercial insurance. We represent a variety of A rated carriers, both Admitted and Non-Admitted. We are an MGA for 18 carriers and represent over 260 different brokerage markets.

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Professional Indemnity Insurance Explained

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All too often, the same question is asked. What is Professional Indemnity Insurance? Given how many professionals work in Australia, it’s benefits should be more well known. In this infographic, professional Indemnity Insurance is explained simply and easily so you can get the most out of your business insurance.

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10 Disruptive Trends That Are Impacting The Insurance Industry

Infographic | February 3, 2020

10 Disruptive Trends That Are Impacting The Insurance Industry: As we move into a new decade, several risk trends are starting to emerge that could potentially disrupt the insurance industry.

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Travel Insurance claims – the path to perfect policy payout

Infographic | December 26, 2019

From time to time holidays don’t go to plan, baggage goes missing, flights are delayed or people are unwell, all of which mean it’s time to claim on your travel insurance policy.

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Infographic | January 15, 2020

Were you considering car coverage? Let the infographic inform you why automobile insurance is needed. Most people just choose the cheapest quote they receive for coverage, without really thinking seriously about what would be protected in case of an accident.

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Most Expensive Home Insurance Claims

Infographic | December 14, 2019

Lancaster insurance agency, Martin Insurance, shares an infographic on the most expensive home insurance claims.

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Auto Insurance Quick Facts: Types of Coverage in Florida

Infographic | January 31, 2020

Since FL law only requires PIP coverage, many people don’t realize their insurance doesn’t provide the coverage they need until it’s too late. Here are a few things you need to know about accident coverage in the state of Florida.

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USG Insurance Services, Inc

USG Insurance Services, Inc. is a national insurance wholesaler and MGA. We specialize in providing innovative solutions for hard to place commercial insurance. We represent a variety of A rated carriers, both Admitted and Non-Admitted. We are an MGA for 18 carriers and represent over 260 different brokerage markets.
