360Value: Tracking Trends and Innovation in Replacement Costs

360Value: Tracking Trends and Innovation in Replacement Costs
Persistent inflationary pressures heighten property insurers’ need for current, localized, component-based replacement cost estimates. And the need for data goes beyond the structure to encompass the contents that make a home complete.

Verisk’s 360Value® meets these challenges with data from millions of actual property claims and expertise of our property estimating solutions team. Ongoing innovation keeps adding to the power of this tool.
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An Inflection Point for Credit: Innovations for a Personal Auto Hard Market

Personal auto insurers are hyper-focused on expense management and rate integrity amid a hard market. With Inflection™ InitialQuote* Score, insurers can leverage the score immediately at quote for a fraction of the bind order cost – optimizing credit expenses precisely when it’s most needed.
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Discovering Commercial Auto Opportunities in the “I Want It Now” Era

The growth of online deliveries and driver shortages – combined with rising inflation and supply chain pressures – has intensified commercial auto risk across the United States. But insurers equipped with robust information on potential markets and individual risks can find opportunities for profitable growth.
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Help Protect Our Families: The Pandemic’s Effect on the Likelihood to Buy Life Insurance


Please join LIMRA and Life Happens to learn more about the recently released findings from the 11th annual Insurance Barometer Study. This study tracks the attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of adult consumers with a focus on life insurance.
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The Claims-tech Saving You Millions

Apart from claims already losing insurers’ money, claims fraud is estimated to cost the insurance industry over US$80 billion let alone in the United States. According to a McKinsey report, by 2025, claims are estimated to be automated by 50% using AI and Machine Learning techniques. Additionally, a report from DASH estimates AI can save the industry up to US$40 billion in fraud reduction - annually, to this date.
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