In this webinar, we discuss why insurers have frustrated customers for so long - and what they are finally starting to do to remove the problems.
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Insurance as we have known it for the past few decades is facing permanent changes: Digital companies like Amazon, Uber, Netflix, Apple and others are resetting the bar for customer engagement. New digitally-driven customer behaviors and expectations are creating new risks. And platform-based business models and digital technology are shifting and blurring traditional industry boundaries. The convergence of these changes is driving a rapid shift in the industry from Insurance 1.0 to Digital Insurance 2.0.
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Speed is an undisputed benefit of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Speed at scale, though, is a tandem every enterprise is aiming for, when charting digital transformation across its departments. This applies even more within the Finance & Banking industry, where process efficiency is vital. Enter Intelligent Indexing, a small, yet very important part of the puzzle, proven to quickly process documents that do not always follow the same standard, and which slow down important tasks.
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Many companies rely on information contained in a certificate of insurance as proof of insurance coverage, only to find out after it is too late that the information was not accurate or coverage was not in place. Policyholders often furnish third parties with certificates of insurance without considering the effects doing so may have on their coverage. Insurance agents can also be too quick to issue a certificate of insurance, and may face liability or even fines if they are not careful. This topic will help anyone working with certificates of insurance in any field understand what a certificate of insurance is, and what it can and cannot do, and will fully explain the pitfalls of certificates of insurance, and how policyholders, brokers, and third parties seeking coverage under another's policy can get themselves into trouble in requesting, issuing, and relying upon certificates of insurance.
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