April Apex Discussion Series - Clustering 101 for Insurance Applications

Join Director and Consulting Actuary Linda Brobeck and Consulting Actuary Tom Kolde for an overview of cluster analysis, an unsupervised machine learning technique used to manage high-dimensional, correlated data. Topics for discussion include data and input requirements, interpreting output and practical insurance applications.
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The Future of Cyber Risk Modeling


Effectively managing and modeling cyber risk can make all the difference for insurers, reinsurers, and brokers. As cyber insurance expands and evolves, the insurance industry must make well-informed underwriting decisions to meet both market demand and ensure financial success. From pricing more accurately to managing cyber aggregation, harnessing data analytics and modeling can usher the insurance industry into the future of cyber risk.
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Achieving Digital Transformation in Insurance

The Insurance Network

Digital transformation is a priority for every insurance organization. The challenge is determining how to devise and deploy a successful digital strategy that drives innovation, meets changing customer expectations and improves the bottom line. Digital transformation is not an end state in itself—but a journey—improving agility to continuously evolve your business operations. Simply having electronic content is NOT enough. This webinar will explore the people, process and technology challenges you need to overcome to fully grasp the opportunities that digital transformation presents.
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The Insurance Digital Revolution has a Fraud Problem


The rapid digitalization of the Insurance Industry has not only opened up access channels for customers, but also created targets for fraudsters. The time is now to protect your business from fraud as you convert to digital. In this webinar, we ll analyze the 5 Strategic Approaches to Digital Optimization and Transformation in Insurance that Gartner laid out in their report and explore possible fraud threats that can arise as a result of such transformation.
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Novarica Insurance Technology Webinar: AI and Emerging Tech


The insurance industry has embraced data analytics to drive business results. Using large warehouses of internal data, augmentation from third-party providers, and big data sources, data analysts are driving product R&D, predictive modeling, and influencing strategy at all levels of the organization. However, many insurers are still dealing with the challenges of diverse core systems with little data integration and limited agreement on what data assets mean. This webinar covers current insurer experience, case studies of successful initiatives, and best practices in developing a data and analytics strategy.
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