To support the launch of the InsTech report, ‘From Admin Systems to Ecosystems: Enhancing services through partnerships’, Robin hosted a Live Chat to discuss the distribution, underwriting, claims and innovation benefits that are evolving from the ecosystem model and the role that admin systems can play in providing and enhancing them.
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Ninety Consulting
The goal of this session is to share the key takeaways from Ninety Consulting's recent workshop “Mastering Insurance Innovation Part 1: Ideation”. What delegates have said about it: "A fascinating session on ideation in insurance - but with definite applicability cross-sector as to how we can innovate effectively to solve customer (and stakeholder) pain points." - Director from Aetna. "It was a great session." - Innovation manager from Lloyd's Lab. "Timing is perfect. Excellent facilitation. Relevant. Group task runs for the right amount of time." - CTO from gig economy insurtech startup.
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Insurance Nexus
In an increasingly cost-competitive industry, digital technologies are providing today’s insurance carriers with new methods of distinguishing themselves from competitors. Of particular focus is the claims process. As insurance’s ‘moment of truth’, policy-holders’ experiences when making a claim can define whether they become satisfied and loyal customers for life or disgruntled, and unlikely to return. With the majority of insurance executives believing that customer experience will see the biggest impact from technologies like AI, machine learning and advanced analytics, it is no surprise, therefore, that claims should take a special focus.
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SkyWatch Insurance Services, Inc
Join insurance specialist Brandon Packman as he covers basic terminology, insurance best practices and SkyWatch.AI app walk-through.
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