Cyber risk management is no longer optional for organizations and active tabletop exercises have become a key tool for understanding the potential risks better. Join Advisen and Secureworks for a free, one-hour webinar outlining the steps to developing effective cyber tabletop exercises. Our expert panel will help you ask the right questions and get the right stakeholders involved to make your cyber prep more effective.
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Change and disruption are a constant in today’s digital era but has exploded in intensity and breadth starting with InsurTech emerging in 2015 and accelerating during the pandemic. The tectonic forces of customers, technology and shifting market boundaries are driving foundational change to the insurance industry. From embedded insurance to the acceleration of commoditized insurance, the expansion of a multi-channel world, the resilience of agents and brokers who embrace technology, digital ecosystems, technology as a service, next generation customer engagement models, the data and analytics arms race, the demand for new payment options and the rise of new innovative products.
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Understand the ins and outs of advertising injury liability claims and insurance coverage issues. More than ever we are seeing companies confronted with costly advertising injury liability claims ranging from lawsuits alleging false advertising claims to trade dress or trademark infringement claims. Defense costs alone for these claims/suits can cost companies millions. Companies facing these alleged liabilities range from advertisers and publishers to retailers and product manufacturers, to food and beverage companies, to technology companies.
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Case management provides a crucial role in keeping claims on track and achieving return to work or maximum medical improvement. However, as COVID-19 restrictions present new challenges in claims management, payers are asking what to do and how to ensure injured employees stay on track with their care protocol and meet their RTW/MMI goals.
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