To support the launch of the report, Property Intelligence - the where and what: 50+ companies to know' here, InsTech's Matthew Grant and Ali Smedley hosted a Live Chat to discuss the findings with guest speakers from companies featured in the report. They covered the different ways location and property attribute information is being accessed, the new data sources being found from places traditionally outside of insurance and what has changed since our first location intelligence report in 2021.
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“How do we differentiate our products from our competitors? What we realized is that the long pole is the technology.” – Roundtable Participant
Nearly every insurer today is talking about transforming their business, recognizing the significant need to improve, both operationally and innovatively, to enable sustainable growth. This era of life insurance is different than even just a few years ago.
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Chinese consumers are increasingly spoiled by innovations driven by AI, which are becoming smarter and driven by data. This is happening across different industries, so insurers servicing them are working hard to meet these heightened expectations. Celent Analyst Zao Wu explores how and why the insurer Taikang is building an AI platform and what they hope to gain.
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Constraints cause creativity. Covid created the need to handle property claims remotely. The technology and uses of devices to assess damage and settle claims has proliferated in the last 24 months.
To support the launch of the InsTech London report, “Remote Claims Assessment - the 40 companies to watch”, Matthew Grant hosted a Live Chat to discuss the findings in our report. We spoke to the creators and users of these solutions, examine what is happening in this area, discuss the opportunities emerging from new technologies and the future themes in remote claims assessment.
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