Insurance Innovator
The supercharged move to digital has made it clear that building a coherent AI strategy is critical for insurers to deliver next-level CX excellence and drive competitive advantage in a populated marketplace. From developing self-service options to orchestrating a seamless omnichannel experience, insurers must embrace the AI era or risk falling behind in the CX revolution.
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At the recent Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas, there was one superstar present: the Internet of Things (IoT). Why the interest? The IoT holds the promise to make our personal and professional lives easier. But what does the IoT mean for insurance? For two years, the Insurance 2025 Study Group (I2SG)† has been talking about the implications of connected physical objects on insurance. And the implications are big!
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Case management provides a crucial role in keeping claims on track and achieving return to work or maximum medical improvement. However, as COVID-19 restrictions present new challenges in claims management, payers are asking what to do and how to ensure injured employees stay on track with their care protocol and meet their RTW/MMI goals.
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Forces disrupting the financial leadership and the evolving role of today’s CFO, Virtual Finance Management – Possibility of virtual real-time visibility into the state of business with access to all relevant information and Role of technologies such as Data Analytics, Automation, IOT, etc., in transforming the finance function
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