Understand the ins and outs of advertising injury liability claims and insurance coverage issues. More than ever we are seeing companies confronted with costly advertising injury liability claims ranging from lawsuits alleging false advertising claims to trade dress or trademark infringement claims. Defense costs alone for these claims/suits can cost companies millions. Companies facing these alleged liabilities range from advertisers and publishers to retailers and product manufacturers, to food and beverage companies, to technology companies.
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Customer churn over lost loyalty and poor customer experiences can cost as much as $470 billion in premiums globally. Increasingly, the insurance customers' buying expectations have shifted, while the industry is rapidly figuring out how to meet the customers where they are. Technology advancements such as data analytics and AI are rapidly being adopted to boost client acquisition, cross-sell and up-sell. Insurers are finding new ways to offer dynamic and personalized recommendations, leverage more data to understand risks, pricing and customized experiences across all channels.
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Customers are looking for simple, straightforward processing of small commercial applications. Automated underwriting can help insurers get ahead in the “Race to Zero”— the point where applicants have no further questions to answer when they come to you for coverage except their business name and address. For effective automated underwriting, insurers must master the intersection of data, analytics, workflow, and technology.
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Improve your knowledge on challenging and strategic issues relevant to any organization, Stay on top of future trends and seize new opportunities and Expand your toolset and effectively solve the challenges of today and tomorrow
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