FNOL is a critical moment that can make or break a successful claims management experience. You may not get another chance to interact with the reporting party, so make the most of it!
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We recently added a new, complimentary feature in Decision Net® to help support our clients’ compliance controls. The feature, Reason for Search, makes it easier for you to analyze your company's Decision Net usage and conduct internal audits.
In this Product Spotlight, we will demonstrate how to analyze the aggregated Reason for Search data using the Decision Net pinboard.
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Healthcare organizations need detailed data to gain an in-depth understanding of specific populations and their health concerns so they can design effective outreach programs, manage care, and contain costs. But health risk assessment (HRA), claims, and enrollment data are no longer enough - they dont provide the consumer insights needed to pinpoint communications, marketing and other outreach strategies.
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Cassini Consulting
Virtual assistants are taking over the world. Find out how companies in the financial and insurance sectors are profiting from this mega trend and how chatbots and AI-supported natural language technologies impact customer communications.
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