How To Embed DEI Into the Core of Your Organization?

How To Embed DEI Into the Core of Your Organization?
Nearing the end of 2022, the general attitude towards physical and digital workspaces has changed drastically since the pandemic. A 2020 survey shows that 86% of people believe that working remotely is the future of work. In transforming the workplace of tomorrow, emphasis must be put on highlighting DEI in all aspects of the work environment.
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Transforming Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance Claims


The global economy has quickly adapted to the new normal, and customer expectations of speed and security continue to drive innovation and adoption. COVID-19 has moved digitization to the forefront, and Property & Casualty (P&C) insurance is no exception. As insurers look to protect employees while answering policyholder demands for faster and safer payment methods, push to card solutions have emerged as a method of offering a new level of flexibility and speed to a traditionally ACH and check heavy industry.
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The 13 Performance Metrics Your Insurance Agency Should Track


It can be hard to know which metrics your agency should be tracking and how often you should be looking at these data points. Every agency will be different in what they'll look at, but you should track metrics that align with goals you've set for yourself and your agency.
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The risks and opportunities of AI in insurance

AI once felt like an insurance buzzphrase, viewed by many established players in the industry as a novelty and relegated to siloed innovation teams. Over time, a small number of incumbents and new entrants have found ways to start capturing real value from AI.
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Finance Transformation in Insurance : a conversation with Paolo Rubano

In an industry facing multiple disruptive forces including technological, regulatory and competitive pressures rethinking finance as a strategic function can help insurers reduce costs, report faster and extract more value commercialization of their data. In this crossover interview, Paolo Rubano, Finance Transformation Director at Generali, shares his perspective on the evolution of the insurance industry and how the finance function is responding to it. He explains in particular the role of Finance in this journey to allow a greater impact.
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