Insurance in the era of the metaverse

In late 2021, we were presented with what Mark Zuckerberg has described as “the successor to the mobile internet”. The metaverse has the potential to reimagine Internet 2.0 from the ground up, right at a time in which the insurance industry is still making its own transition to Internet 1.0. In this event we will discuss what insurance products could look like within the bounds of the metaverse. What impact will this technology have on the way in which insurance products are bought and sold? And more than just being a distribution platform for insurance products, will the metaverse present a new range of insurable risks?
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Insuring the buildings of today and tomorrow: adapting to overcome changing risks and future claims

Property insurance protects millions of household and businesses across the UK from a range of perils and risks, paying out over £11 million per day to customers when the worst occurs. However, the perils and risks customers face are continually evolving and changing, in particular as the effects of climate change become more prominent. It is vital that the industry understands current and future risks customers face and adapts and innovates to this changing landscape.
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Life Insurance More Than Just a Death Benefit

The Real Estate CPA

Our guests, Felix Tuccillo and Taylor Patterson, are here to teach you about wealth build using life insurance! Life insurance is more than just a death benefit. Our clients use life insurance to exponentially grow their real estate portfolios and avoid taxes all at the same time.
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Can P&C Grow Despite Mounting Global Risks?

In this webinar with ITL Editor-in-Chief Paul Carroll, Michel Leonard, head of the Insurance Information Institute's Economics and Analytics Department, discusses the prospects for P&C growth in the face of fiscal and geopolitical risks.
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Leveraging Data Transparency for the Perfect Customer Experience

With the initial disruption of the pandemic now past, the insurance industry is looking to modernize how insurers and broker dealers interact with clients. Traditionally, carriers and agents relied on face-to-face meetings with customers to complete business applications, disclosures and policies, and insurance claims. But in our increasingly remote world, consumers have come to expect the ability to conduct business remotely, with any device they choose, and at their own convenience. The challenge is how to provide a superior customer experience within the confines of remote digital processes. Despite a surge in all-things “digital”, customers still value the human connection. That’s why a human-digital hybrid model is an important combination for replicating the in-person experience.
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