Many companies rely on information contained in a certificate of insurance as proof of insurance coverage, only to find out after it is too late that the information was not accurate or coverage was not in place. Policyholders often furnish third parties with certificates of insurance without considering the effects doing so may have on their coverage. Insurance agents can also be too quick to issue a certificate of insurance, and may face liability or even fines if they are not careful. This topic will help anyone working with certificates of insurance in any field understand what a certificate of insurance is, and what it can and cannot do, and will fully explain the pitfalls of certificates of insurance, and how policyholders, brokers, and third parties seeking coverage under another's policy can get themselves into trouble in requesting, issuing, and relying upon certificates of insurance.
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Amid rising inflation, geopolitical tensions, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, US insurers face several new challenges to navigate throughout the year.
Join us for a complimentary webinar in which subject matter experts from S&P Global Market Intelligence, S&P Dow Jones Indices, and S&P Global Ratings discuss emerging trends and challenges facing the insurance industry throughout 2022.
Discussion topics will include:
What are the enduring effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry?
Current outlook on insurance investments
What are the impacts of offshoring in the insurance sector?
The implications of rising inflation and interest rates
Climate-related impacts on specific markets
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Addressing Medicare recovery claims is a critical part of Medicare secondary payer (MSP) compliance. Failure to properly resolve these claims exposes insurers to significant liability – including Treasury actions and double damages. All non-group health insurers – WC, liability, no-fault, and others -- are in Medicare’s bull’s eye and it is critical you a have solid game plan in place. This session will help you get a handle on Medicare recovery claims, identify key CMS trends, and outline steps you can take to improve your practices.
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Recertification, or continuing education, is an essential part of an accredited certification process, enabling RIMS-Certified Risk Management Professionals to stay up to date on the most current risk management trends and practices.
Attend this webinar to learn how to meet the recertification requirements to support your professional growth and continued success in risk management.
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