Reinventing Insurance Distribution

Old relationships and ways of conducting business still dictate many insurers' interactions with producers and customers. In a time when most producers have become less committed to one company and more willing to consider new products and services, it can be difficult to keep up. We'll explore how companies can best modernize their business practices and producer relationships by developing new products, services and strategies.
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Leveraging Data Transparency for the Perfect Customer Experience

With the initial disruption of the pandemic now past, the insurance industry is looking to modernize how insurers and broker dealers interact with clients. Traditionally, carriers and agents relied on face-to-face meetings with customers to complete business applications, disclosures and policies, and insurance claims. But in our increasingly remote world, consumers have come to expect the ability to conduct business remotely, with any device they choose, and at their own convenience. The challenge is how to provide a superior customer experience within the confines of remote digital processes. Despite a surge in all-things “digital”, customers still value the human connection. That’s why a human-digital hybrid model is an important combination for replicating the in-person experience.
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Webinar: Transforming Innovative Insurance Product Ideas into Reality

Insurance Nexus

Insurers have innovation on their agenda for 2019. The race is on to deliver relevant product and services for the modern customer. And it's not easy. Innovation, Product, Underwriting and Technology functions all have a role to play. In this webinar we'll investigate what research is showing in terms of what products must look like, and in a practical sense, how insurers are going out to achieve this.
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Exceed Your Customer’s Expectations: Leverage Transformative Products, Services and Experiences

Fintech Finance

The Canadian insurance industry is on the brink of a customer-centric transformation. To survive this monumental industry shift, carriers must understand what customers really want, and effectively deliver this vision. You cannot afford to lag behind on customer-focused innovation, you must deliver interactive, personalized on-demand products, communications and experiences throughout the journey. Hear from the following speakers: Catherine Bishop ,Vice President, RBC Insurance. Scott Marnoch, AVP, Innovation, Insurance Solutions, Individual Customer, Great-West Life.
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About data privacy in insurance: Statice on the Digital Insurance Podcast


What is privacy in general, and privacy in the digital world? What does 'privacy breach' mean from the customer and data perspectives? What are the risks?
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