Virtually all insurance shoppers start online. While many still ultimately purchase offline, we learn more every day about how consumers’ online activities impact their buying decisions. Understanding online behavior is becoming increasingly important as insurers push to reach more of the right prospects at the right time and create a unique brand experience. Technology has made it possible to map the consumer’s shopping journey, identify when and where they begin shopping, assess where they are in the process, and make ever-more-informed decisions on how to optimize the sales process around the consumer’s interest.
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Risk engineering is a combination of multiple engineering disciplines incorporating both theoretical and practical methods for its main purpose of ‘’Loss Prevention’’. Risk engineers mainly work with insurance companies to reach all types of businesses globally where they provide solutions to help manage loss control, mitigate risk and improve safety. There are number of tasks which the risk engineer will have responsibility over
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Insurance Hound
Insurers are increasingly challenged by rapidly evolving customer expectations, an ever more competitive landscape and new, emerging ecosystems. In this webinar, Oliwia Berdak (Forrester Research) and Martin Spengler (Appway) explain how insurers can engage more regularly with their customers, create an emotional bond with them, and thereby defend their business against external disruptors.
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Systems hosted in the cloud cost less to maintain, can be rapidly changed and enable a faster route for deploying new products and customer functionality. However, many insurers are yet to embrace the transformative potential of cloud technology.Join our upcoming webinar to hear the latest on the challenges and opportunities for insurers, and what it will take to successfully achieve your journey to cloud.
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