Understanding Property Insurance

Are you properly insured? With the recent fires, mudslides, earthquakes, and hurricanes affecting the nation, it may be time to revisit your coverage options and see what you can do to be better protected. Join ACap for a free financial webinar, where we will be joined by Jon Gardner of JSG Insurance Services, to discuss how to properly protect yourself using Property & Casualty Insurance and what to look for in your coverage.
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How To Embed DEI Into the Core of Your Organization?

Nearing the end of 2022, the general attitude towards physical and digital workspaces has changed drastically since the pandemic. A 2020 survey shows that 86% of people believe that working remotely is the future of work. In transforming the workplace of tomorrow, emphasis must be put on highlighting DEI in all aspects of the work environment.
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Cyber Outlook: Farm


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Hidden underwriting opportunities that can supercharge your business

The inseparable duo of underwriting and pricing has just found its third partner - automation. In a Research and Market report, The automated machine learning (AutoML) industry was valued at $346.2 million in 2020. The industry is estimated to grow by 4283% to $15 billion in ten years. Yet, a 2020 Accenture report shows that 85% of customers are not satisfied with the speed of the underwriting process. The implementation and evolution of AutoML can speed up that process and significantly increase the customer experience and gain you customers. But where is this technology headed? What are the barriers? And how can we best ride the wave of an evolving automation landscape?
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Exceed Your Customer’s Expectations: Leverage Transformative Products, Services and Experiences

Fintech Finance

The Canadian insurance industry is on the brink of a customer-centric transformation. To survive this monumental industry shift, carriers must understand what customers really want, and effectively deliver this vision. You cannot afford to lag behind on customer-focused innovation, you must deliver interactive, personalized on-demand products, communications and experiences throughout the journey. Hear from the following speakers: Catherine Bishop ,Vice President, RBC Insurance. Scott Marnoch, AVP, Innovation, Insurance Solutions, Individual Customer, Great-West Life.
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