Digital Transformation of Insurance

Technology is rapidly changing the world we live in, creating a new kind of consumer who expects mobile access to information and online self-service from every company they do business with including insurance agents and brokers. History shows us that failure to embrace digital transformation and adapt to current consumer expectations can put your business at risk of not surviving long-term. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn key steps you can take to better prepare your business for transformation and ensure success in the digital age of insurance.
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Soft Landing, Headwinds and Rebound


Paul Carroll Editor-in-Chief and Dr. Michel Leonard, CBE, head of the Triple-I’s Economics and Analytics Department, discuss the Triple-I’s latest Insurance Economics Outlook for Q4 2021 Soft Landing, Headwinds, and Rebound focusing on this year’s unusually wide range of growth and inflation forecasts and key performance indicators for the P&C industry in 2021.
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Effectively complying with global privacy laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires an automated technology solution that is designed to discover and protect sensitive data across a variety of repositories—and, ideally, preserves the business value and availability of that data. In this webinar, co-presented by Dataguise and Amazon Web Services (AWS), learn how Trōv Insurance Solutions, an insurance agency licensed to sell on-demand property and casualty insurance products, adopted DgSecure on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to anonymize production data to help comply with GDPR and other data privacy regulations. The solution helps Trōv meet privacy standards while enabling its analytics teams to use data to better serve its clients.
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Ethics in the Insurance Industry


This course clarifies the differences between morals and ethics, how theyre related, and the focus of regulations in regards to these concepts. The discussion reviews the expectations on corporate and agent conduct in the field of insurance. Specific duties are reviewed that must be fulfilled to achieve the expectations and requirements placed on the industry by regulators and an informed public.
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Insurance Product Management: Mitigating the Risk of Losing Intellectual Capital

In an increasingly fluid labor market, insurers face an unprecedented challenge: Maintaining and maximizing intellectual capital in light of employee attrition. Intellectual capital is the value of a company’s employee knowledge, skills, and training that creates competitive advantages and can help drive profit. Business planning and strategic goals can be put in jeopardy when insurers try to confront today’s market issues with no controls or established processes for the capture and retention of intellectual capital. This problem is particularly difficult for insurers due to the intricate nature of product development and maintenance.
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