Speed & Efficiency at Scale: The New Digital Core

Speed and Efficiency at Scale: The New Digital Core
Thought leaders discuss the characteristics of the new digital core including data, analytics, & API's & microservices and the best practices being used to take full advantage of them throughout the insurance value chain.
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Jenner & Block

One way to manage the cost of environmental claims associated with historical operations is to pursue coverage under historical (and often pre-pollution exclusion) occurrence-based commercial general liability insurance policies. Our panelists will discuss the nuances and pitfalls that can arise in environmental insurance litigation and creative strategies to maximize recovery. In addition, companies facing environmental risks in their current operations or transactions can also manage environmental risk through a variety of current insurance products. Our panelists will identify current options available to manage environmental risks going forward and provide insight into the costs and benefits of those insurance products.
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Everything You Need to Know for Successful Cyber Tabletops

Cyber risk management is no longer optional for organizations and active tabletop exercises have become a key tool for understanding the potential risks better. Join Advisen and Secureworks for a free, one-hour webinar outlining the steps to developing effective cyber tabletop exercises. Our expert panel will help you ask the right questions and get the right stakeholders involved to make your cyber prep more effective.
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InsTech in London: From MGA to Full Stack Insurer - Everything You Need to Know

This event looked at the implications of becoming a full stack insurer. This included the regulatory and compliance implications, how much capital is needed, where to go for the relevant expert guidance and why there are so few new full stack insurers in the UK.
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Webinar Understanding Cyber Insurance


Higher education interest in cyber insurance continues to grow in response to high-profile data breaches making headline news. Today, coverage exists for a variety of potential losses and liability caused by cyber risk, yet the market is evolving and nonstandard. Join us for this webinar to learn more about cyber insurance: what it is, what it covers, and how to incorporate it into your institutional risk management and information security practices.
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