Health really is now everyone's business. 'Work' is no longer where we go but what we do. Fuelled by a global pandemic and enabled by rapid technological change, how we work, how we think about our health, and the connection between the two is radically changing. As workers, businesses, and government scramble to adapt and evolve, insurers can either watch it all unfold or emphasise the importance of health and resilience to help pioneer a new economy. But to do that, we need to overcome outdated perceptions of what insurance does and how insurers behave to be seen as a valued partner to new challenges.
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Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Inc
This webinar focuses on five of the most common contractor risk exposures:
- Contractual Risk Transfer
- Properly Extending Insured Status
- Business Auto Issues
- Misuse of the Absolute Pollution Exclusion
- Professional and Pollution Exposures Faced by Contractors
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Most people purchase Life Insurance in an attempt to reduce the financial pressure on loved ones and other beneficiaries when someone dies. However, many individuals fail to realize the Living Benefits found in Life Insurance contracts. Explore benefits the policy owner may take advantage of while still alive. Examine how Cash Values in policies are created, and how they can be extracted by a living policy owner in the most tax advantaged manner. Review the tax consequences of Qualified Retirement Plans. Discover how a business can use the Living Benefits of a Life policy to recruit, retain and reward key employees in a business, as well as to allow the business owner to move business dollars into their personal account for retirement. Briefly review various Life Insurance Riders to focus on their Living Benefits, Viatical Settlements (Life Settlements), and the Annuity side of life contracts.
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Old relationships and ways of conducting business still dictate many insurers' interactions with producers and customers. In a time when most producers have become less committed to one company and more willing to consider new products and services, it can be difficult to keep up. We'll explore how companies can best modernize their business practices and producer relationships by developing new products, services and strategies.
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