The Great Retaliation: Why Risk Managers Should Heed New Trends in Workforce Sentiment

The Great Retaliation: Why Risk Managers Should Heed
Think a pending recession that loosens up the labor market will resolve your workforce issues? Not so fast. Dr. Anthony Klotz of the University College London School of Management first predicted the Great Resignation in 2020. He now foresees lingering headwinds from a growing undercurrent of employee resentment and mid-level leader burn-out induced by a combination of post-pandemic work intensity and the influence of a job-hopping environment on those who stayed put.

In this panel discussion, Dr. Klotz will share insights on the industries that are likely to experience above-average quit rates over the next two years. Discover how proactive management of team dynamics can be critical to boosting morale and retention amidst perceived or real salary inequity.
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5 ways to personalise your omni-channel customer journey

Customer churn over lost loyalty and poor customer experiences can cost as much as $470 billion in premiums globally. Increasingly, the insurance customers' buying expectations have shifted, while the industry is rapidly figuring out how to meet the customers where they are. Technology advancements such as data analytics and AI are rapidly being adopted to boost client acquisition, cross-sell and up-sell. Insurers are finding new ways to offer dynamic and personalized recommendations, leverage more data to understand risks, pricing and customized experiences across all channels.
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The Last Mile


Every element of the claims process is being automated, so why are payments still being made with paper checks. This elongates the claims process, negatively effects CX and creates a security issue. It is the last mile for carriers to cover in order to the create a straight through claims process. Reuters Events would like to formally invite you to an exclusive virtual roundtable for senior executives from the insurance industry. Discuss alongside your peers, the problems, solutions and future of this issue behind closed doors.
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The risks and opportunities of AI in insurance

AI once felt like an insurance buzzphrase, viewed by many established players in the industry as a novelty and relegated to siloed innovation teams. Over time, a small number of incumbents and new entrants have found ways to start capturing real value from AI.
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Driving innovation and transformation in Life insurance


Becoming a digital organisation is more than having a website and re-creating manual processes electronically.End to end digital transformation is about leveraging digital to transform the way organisations think about solving business problems, building new technology capabilities that can enable change and an agile, innovative culture that can effectively meet changing customer expectations.However, successfully achieving this is easier said than done as changing traditional operational processes and technology systems presents a number of critical challenges.
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